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These are the new features in the version 02.00.00 release

  • Support Provided for Exporting Data to an Ontology File
    File|Export Results as Triples

    BasicQuery will now allow exporting the current results to an ontology file. The output is written to a file in Turtle format. The Apache Jena library is used to create the ontology from the data and then Jena is used to serialize the model to the file.

    This is the initial relase that begins to add semantic support to BasicQuery and should be considered experimental. A richer feature set including choice of serialization and control of namespacing, classes, property naming and so forth will be added over time.

These are the new features in the version 01.04.00 release

  • Support Provided for Multiple SQL Statements in One Input
    Setup|Split SQL on Semicolons

    BasicQuery will now allow multiple SQL statements, separated by semicolons (;), to be placed in the SQL text area. If the option to split on semicolons is enabled, the statements will be split at each semicolon, and the resulting statement(s) executed serially. Note that if the semicolons are within quotes or apostrophies they are ignored.

  • Font Control Provided for Message and Data Display Areas

    Users may select their preferred font (including size) to be used for display within the message and data areas.

  • Configuration Files Stored in User's Home Directory Tree

    The default location for configuration files is now the BasicQuery directory under the user's home directory. Previously they were located in the BasicQuery installation directory.

This listing pertains to the version 01.02.00 release

Features new to 01.02.00
  • Support Provided for 6 Languages

    BasicQuery contains resource bundles for English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. The language will be chosen using the system default or it may be overridden on the setup menu.

  • Optionally Report DB Server Information
    Setup|Display DB Server Info

    User can choose brief or detailed reporting of DB server data as obtained from the server metadata.

  • Caching of Previous Results

    The history of executed queries can be navigated with back and forward buttons. The results associated with that query are cached using Soft References. Assuming that the results have not been removed by a garbage collection, they will be displayed when the back or forward button is used.

  • Control of Result Row Display Coloring
    Setup|Results Row Coloring

    Alternating rows can be color coded to improve readability. There are two built-in patterns (green/white and yellow/white) as well as support for user-defined patterns. There is no limit on the number alternating row colors.

  • Memorized Queries can be Reordered
    Query|Reorder Queries

    When designing a test run of queries the order is likely to matter. A dialog is provided to allow queries to be moved up/down in the list.

  • SQL Statement and Corresponding Connection String can be Linked
    Setup|Associate SQL and Connect URL in History List

    Optionally the executed SQL statement can be associated (during a run) with a specific connect string. This allows for tests to be executed that involve hitting multiple DB servers. Future work needs to be done to persist the relationship between SQL statements and connect string between runs of the application.

  • Clipboard Support is Provided for Copying Result Rows.
    Edit|Copy Selected Data
    Edit|Select All Rows

    Typical options provided for selecting all rows and for copying selected rows to the clipboard.

  • Ability to Use Multiple SQL Files
    File|Open SQL File

    Separate SQL files may be used, allowing for separation of tests for different systems.

Additional Features
  • Stores Each Connection URL in a Combo Box

    As each new connect URL is used, it is stored in the connection combo box and placed in BasicQuery's properties file.

  • Stores Each SQL Statement in a Drop-Down Control

    As each new SQL statement is executed it is stored in the SQL statement drop-down and added to the currently opened SQL statement file.

  • Displays Result Set Data in a Table

    A JTable is used to display the output of select queries and stored procedure calls returning a result set

  • Provides Details of Each Statement Execution

    A message area at the bottom of the main window displayes information about each statement as it is executed. This includes timing information, OUT parameter values from parameterized SQL statements, and error messages.

  • Optional Use of a Pooled Connection
    Pool Connect checkbox found on the main screen

    Speeds execution of SQL by reusing an existing connection. This also allows for realistic timing results when testing based on a pooled or non-pooled design.

  • Control of Auto-Commit on the JDBC Connection
    Auto Commit checkbox found on the main screen

    This allows you to adjust the auto commit setting on the connection for JDBC drivers that support this setting.

  • Control of Read-Only Setting on the JDBC Connection
    Read Only checkbox found on the main screen

    Allows control of the read-only setting on the JDBC connection.

  • Use Multiple SQL Statement Files
    File|Open [ALT]+[O]

    Allows a set of SQL statements to be stored in individuals files. These collections can then be run as a group using the Run All Queries feature. We typically break up SQL statement files by project and purpose (test-bed setup, timing tests, scratchpad, etc.).

  • Logging of SQL Execution Statistics to a CSV File
    File|Log Stats checkbox menu item [ALT]+[L]

    If enabled, the timing and result count statistics, which are reported in the message window, are also written to a CSV file named BasicQuery.Stats.csv

  • Log All Select Query Result Data
    File|Log Results checkbox menu item [ALT]+[G]

    If enabled, causes the returned column data to be written to a CSV file. Each result is appended to the file. The file is named BasicQuery.Results.csv

  • Write Current Select Results to a CSV File
    File|Export Results As CSV [ALT]+[E]

    Writes the currently displayed results to a CSV file. The file path and name are controlled by the user using a file dialog.

  • Save BLOB Field Contents to a File
    File|Save BLOBs [ALT]+[B]

    Exports the BLOB fields from the currently selected row to individual files. There will be as many files created as there are BLOB fields on the row. The file names are automatically generated based on the blob column name and the key value of the BLOB record. The suffix .dat is then appended. These files are written to BasicQuery's execution directory.

  • Raw Export Mode
    File|Raw Export checkbox menu item

    If this mode is selected the CSV output of data will not place quotes around text field (VARCHAR, CHAR, etc.) values in output files.

  • Prevent Line Breaks Between Output Records
    File|No CR Added to Export checkbox menu item

    If this mode is selected individual result rows will not be separated by new lines in the output CSV files. This can be useful when the rows are storing sections of data, such as the way that Sybase handles stored procedure source code.

  • Store Last Password
    File|Save Password

    By default the password is not stored between runs of the program. If you want BasicQuery to remember the last password used, select this menu option. Note that this option will expose the plain text password in the properties file! :O

  • Sort By Multiple Columns
    Edit|Sort by Selected Columns

    By selecting multiple columns and choosing this option, the existing rows will be sorted using the left-most column as the primary sort value and using columns to the right to resolve ordering decisions for duplicate values in the left-hand column. This is an alternative to adding an order by clause to the SQL and re-executing the query. Note that if the columns are not in the correct left-to-right order to sort the way you require you will first need to rearrange the columns by dragging them to the right or left.

  • Create a Select Query Based on the Current Results
    Query|Select Statement [ALT]+[S]

    Causes a select statement to be built using the table and columns that are currently displayed. Any column selected will be used to create the skeleton of a where clause while the unselected columns will be named as the columns to be selected. Note that this feature requires that the JDBC driver support the metadata getTablename() method.

  • Create an Insert Statement Based on the Current Results
    Query|Insert Statement [ALT]+[I]

    Causes the skeleton of an insert statement to be built using the table and columns that are currently displayed. Note that this feature requires that the JDBC driver support the metadata getTablename() method.

  • Create an Update Statement Based on the Current Results
    Query|Update Statement [ALT]+[U]

    Causes the skeleton of an update statement to be built using the table and columns that are currently displayed. Any column selected will be used to create the skeleton of a where clause while the unselected columns will be listed as the columns to be updated. Note that this feature requires that the JDBC driver support the metadata getTablename() method.

  • Create a Select * Query Based on the Selected Cell
    Query|Select * [ALT]+[T]

    Causes a select statement to be built using the currently selected cell as the table name. This is useful if the results listed are from a show tables or select tablename from all_tables type of query.

  • Obtain Metadata Based on the Selected Cell
    Query|Select * [ALT]+[T]

    Causes a select statement to be built using the currently selected cell as the table name but setting the query type to describe. This is useful if the results listed are from a show tables or select tablename from all_tables type of query.

  • Run All Queries as a Batch
    Query|Run All Queries [ALT]+[R]

    Executes all of the SQL statements in the currently opened SQL statement file, one or more times. This is useful for carrying out a redundant set of steps, such as setting up test data or to collect performance testing results. When executing the queries multiple times you determine whether they are executed first to last and then again or to repeat each statement the requested number of times and then move onto the next. In other words, given 3 queries to be executed twice, you can execute them as 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 or as 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3. A negative value for the number of executions causes the latter ordering to be used.

  • Create Parameterized SQL Statements

    A specialied syntax allows a parameterized SQL statement to be created. Although IN parameters may be used, this feature is probably most useful for accessing OUT parameter values. An overview of the syntax is available by selecting the menu item Help|Parameterized SQL Statements and is repeated here.

    The format for an IN parameter is: $PARAM[IN,DATATYPE,DATA]$

      IN is the literal text IN
      DATATYPE is a defined DATATYPE (listed below)
      DATA is the data (text, number) you are supplying in the parameter

    The format for an OUT parameter is: $PARAM[OUT,DATATYPE]$

      OUT is the literal text OUT
      DATATYPE is a defined DATATYPE (listed below)
        Note that OUT parameters have their values displayed in the message area at the bottom of the Basic Query window.


    Example Parameterized SQL Statements:

      select * from all_objects where object_type like $PARAM[IN,STRING,FUNC%]$
        This results in a where clause of 'object_type = '?' and sets a param of 'FUNC%'

      $PARAM[OUT,INTEGER]$ = {call im_worktodo($PARAM[IN,STRING,DPR]$}
        This calls the stored procedure im_worktodo with the param value 'DPR' capturing the integer return value and displaying it in the message area at the bottom of the window.

  • View Metadata Based on a Select Statement
    Describe radio button beneath the SQL input text area

    By selecting the describe mode, the query is executed but the results are not retrieved. Instead the metadata for the selected columns is displayed in the results area. The SQL statement used for this operation should be a select or stored procedure call that returns a result set.

  • Limit Rows Retrieved
    Max Rows drop-down selection beneath the SQL input text area

    Places a limit on the number of rows that will be retrieved, regardless of hhow many are actually returned. if the maximum number of rows set is al retrieved the number of rows displayed in the message area will be highlighted as a reminder that this may not be all of the data being returned.

  • Remove a SQL Statement from the Set of Stored Statements
    Remove button beneath the SQL input text area

    Remove the currently selected SQL statement from the drop-down of SQL statements.

  • Comment-out a SQL Statement in the Set of Stored Statements
    Comment button beneath the SQL input text area

    Toggles between commenting and un-commenting the currently selected SQL statement in the drop-down of SQL statements. A statement is considered commented-out if it begins with two slashes (//). This causes BasicQuery to ignore the statement if you attempt to execute it. This is particularly useful when you intend to use the Run All Queries feature but have a few statements you do not want to execute.