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Posts Tagged ‘Maine’

A Dark Welcome to York Beach

Saturday, September 4th, 2010

It was an unusual start to our vacation in York Beach, Maine this year.  We arrived on Saturday afternoon, earlier than usual.  Our efficient start had paid off and we found that there was ample time after unpacking to go to the beach.  As night settled in we noticed a strange absence…the Cape Neddick Lighthouse (Nubble Light) was dark!

I’ve been coming up to York Beach almost every summer for over 40 years.  This was the first time I had ever seen, or rather not seen, the light operating.  I did what anyone in 2010 does when something strange happens, I checked Google.  However after searching for news related to this “outage” I came up empty.  The Town of York website was silent on the issue as was a local news website.

The blackout continued on through Sunday and Monday.  On Tuesday morning we noticed that the light was back in operation.  Whether there was an electrical issue or a burned out light bulb, it was apparently resolved early Tuesday.  I sit here writing this particular paragraph on Tuesday evening with the light operating in its typical and (usually) reliable manner.  Maybe someday I’ll learn what happened.

Beyond the mystery of the lighthouse, it was an unusually warm week in York.  Upper 80s and lower 90s prevailed each day.  For several days there wasn’t much wind, at least not a cool wind, at the beach.  This is the first year in recent memory where Lisa hasn’t been on the beach wrapped in sweatshirts and towels to keep warm.  Complementing the hot weather, the water was about 63 degrees and provided a very refreshing respite from the heat!


Clam Festival 2010

Monday, July 19th, 2010

We made our annual trek to Yarmouth, Maine for this year’s Clam Festival.  We had signed up to participate in The Levity Project – Maine so we had to be there by 4:30 pm on Friday.  This was the first time we’ve had a fixed schedule when heading up and one of the only years we have been there in time for the parade.

After parking we rushed past the Food Circle in order to get to the North Yarmouth Academy Gymnasium and receive our instructions and umbrella hats for “Maine’s Longest Smile” being organized by The Levity Project.  Although temperatures as we drove through Massachussets and New Hampshire and up into Maine were in the 90s, by the time we got to Yarmouth it was about 75.  The gym was another story, hot and humid, but full of festivity!

Hippity-hop balls were being test driven by a variety of people while others were testing out the new hats.  We signed in, filled out a photo release and starting reviewing the instructions we had been given.  By 5pm we were being walked through the overall plan and were ready to head out to our assigned locations by 5:30.  Before getting into position I snuck by the First Parish Congregation Church for my annual lobster roll.  They make a perfect lobster roll – a bun and lots of lobster meat!  Nothing else to distract from the delicious lobster flavor.

For the smile project our family was assigned to group three, which had a great location right by the Memorial Green tent and Food Circle.  The street was lined with people prepared to watch the parade.  The levity event went off without a hitch and we had a blast!  Participating in the smile project was fun.  It was a chance to be a part of the festival and not just an out-of-town visitor watching everything from the sidelines.
